Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's been a long, long time . . .

I haven't posted anything in a long while, but since I just got my blood work back, I thought in the interest of full disclosure, I would post the numbers.

First the confession: Since my vacation in September (Maine -- lots of Lobster and - I'm ashamed to say - Fried Clams!) I have had a tough time getting back into the swing of things. I've missed my trainer, haven't gone to the gym as often, haven't eaten as well as I should, etc. etc. etc.

However, my blood work was quite good. I guess changing bad habits, even if you slip up, still carries you over the rough spots. So, here they are:
  • Cholesterol 171, Trigycerides 159, LDL 92 and HDL 47.
Amazingly, not far off from the last ones when I was "being good."

I'm headed for New Orleans tomorrow - that should be good for my diet, but I did work out with my trainer today! And then come the HOLIDAYS!

Please note that I will be teaching 3 sections of the RTC Wellness course this spring - come and change your life and help me stay in shape, too. Locations and dates are posted on the right side of this page.

(Note to David A. - sorry I haven't been posting. Join me in NJ!)

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