Monday, March 17, 2008

Set Goals - Reach Goals - Who knew?

We all know about setting goals and reaching them, but how often do we do it?

Years ago my cholesterol was out of this world at 325 plus, my triglycerides were approaching 800 and I didn't know my LDL levels, but I'm sure they were also in the danger zone. I went on the Medifast diet (Optifast is another version) where I drank powdered meals and after losing 25 pounds had my cholesterol checked and it had not budged! I have been on medications for this ever since with moderate success at bringing it down.

After taking the RTC Wellness at School course, I set some goals to bring my weight down, my blood pressure down and my blood numbers down. As you may know from reading below, I have made some changes in my life For starters:
  • I've eliminated many dairy products (soy creamer and almond milk really are not bad!
  • I've cut back on most animal products
  • I consiously avoid high fructose corn syrup and trans fats
  • I DO eat lots of high fiber foods and snacks (Kashi makes great stuff!)
  • I eat a lot of nuts - almonds, especially.
  • I joined a gym and do cardio for about 30 minutes at least 3 times a week
  • I got a trainer who has me doing things I never have done

At my last check-up this week, my BP was right on target for the first time evere in the office (I do have a bit of the "white coat syndrome" and it tends to be higher in the doctor's office.)

But the amazing news is this. I got the results of my blood work today.

  • Cholesterol - 156! (Never, ever have a been that low -- that's down nearly 100 points in 7 months. I'm still on the same meds, but the difference is food choices (and I'm not starving myself or suffering here) and exercise.
  • Triglycerides - 177. (Of course, I got the speech: "The doctor would like to see you get this down a little." from the assistant whom I talked to! They are never happy! They won't be happy until I get my age down a little!)
  • LDL - 79! That's down from 105 last month.

I used to make the excuse that "my body just makes cholesterol no matter what I do." Well, I guess that's not true.

By the way, I'm already at the weight I set for a goal for the end of June! So, I'm resetting it for another 10 pounds by then.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I am so happy to hear that you are in good health. It is not easy. I love your blog, and will link it to mine if that is ok with you.

Jim burns