Thursday, February 28, 2008

Who knew? Me with a Physical Trainer!

I just had my second session with my physical trainer. It felt good, (well it actually hurt) and I did things that I couldn't do (or wouldn't do or thought I couldn't do) even when I was in high school. 20 push-ups with my legs over an exercise ball! They weren't pretty, but they counted!

I'm still going to the fitness center - mostly walking on the treadmill, there - and I'm still watching my diet. It's not a diet, really, but I've just minimized the amount of animal-based products, as well as products with high fructose corn syrup and trans fats.

When I took the course, Wellness at School, I set a goal for myself re: weight. I had a reasonable goal in mind by the time I was to teach this course for the first time in July. Well, this morning I am actually at that goal! Now, I'll be setting a new one for the start of the course.

Forgive me for being a bit self-congatulatory, but this stuff is working! Read The China Study; it will change your life!

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